We believe that the best way to protect our environment is to promote the development of Brownfields and the preservation of Greenfields. The economic and social benefits of focusing on Brownfield redevelopment typically outweigh the complications and additional cost of dealing with the environmental issues which are commonly tied to a Brownfield project.
We provide comprehensive services through our network of industry contacts and qualified contractors and laboratories. Our contract environmental laboratories are certified by the Department of Health. Our contract industrial hygiene laboratories are certified by the American Industrial Hygiene Association.
We are not tied to any specific vendor or remedial technology. A site-specific approach is identified that will reduce risks to public health, safety and the environment. This may include non-remedial solutions such as risk assessment or implementing engineering controls or institutional controls (deed restrictions).
We implement technologies to remedy specific environmental exposures as cost-effectively as possible. We keep the end in mind: site stabilization and an exit from environmental regulatory obligations. Our range of expertise, experience, and solutions in environmental consulting includes:
Environmental Site Assessments & Property Due Diligence
- Phase I Environmental Assessments
- ASTM Standard
- All Appropriate Inquiry
- Site Characterization Guidance Document (CTDEEP)
- Phase II Environmental Assessments
- Subsurface Explorations
- Soil and Groundwater Sampling
- Soil Vapor Sampling
- Phase III Environmental Assessments
- Degree and extent of contamination
- Identification of Remedial Options
- Remedial Design and Cost Estimating
- Remedial Action Plans
- Permitting (Army Corps of Engineers, Inland Wetlands etc.)

Brownfield Redevelopment
- Applications for State Brownfield Programs and Liability Relief
- Abandoned Brownfield Cleanup Program (ABC)
- Brownfield Revitalization and Remediation Program (BRRP)
- Licensed Environmental Professional remedial design and oversight services related to investigation and remediation of property subject to Connecticut’s Property Transfer Act, Voluntary Remediation, RCRA Corrective Action, Superfund.
- Remedial Estimating, Design and Implementation
- Capping and Engineered Controls
- In-situ Remediation
- Biological enhancement and Chemical Oxidation
- Off-site disposal